Industrial Remediation

Many manufacturing companies have surplus property that has come to include contaminated soil and groundwater. These contaminants may stand in the way of selling off that property in the future – or for other companies to buy it. Of the many emerging contaminants, one that is of growing concern is PFAS – increasingly under U.S.- EPA scrutiny, with some chemicals within this family of manufactured compounds being designated as hazardous.

Onvector’s Plasma Vortex is a destruction technology that can work in tandem with other remediation technologies upstream focusing removal, separation and concentration of the PFAS contaminants. This facilitates obtaining the necessary permits to allow the property to go on to its next use.

Industrial Remediation


What will come from the new rule on PFAS in drinking water?

As of 10 April 2024, new regulations are now in place regarding PFAS in the United States. To quote the [...]

PFAS Destruction: The No-Longer-Missing Link

A lot of discussion around PFAS has focused on how to remove it from the natural environment. There are good [...]

PFAS has ubiquity and diversity but needs help with concentration. What does that mean?

Many business discussions and technical discussions we’ve had about PFAS seem to be driven by three main themes: ubiquity, diversity, [...]