Partnership Launched with Irrigation Water Manufacturer

February 2020

Onvector has partnered with Netafim, the world leader in drip irrigation, to develop advanced plasma water treatment technology for irrigation water1. This joint project will be performed in the United States and Israel over two years and funded in part by a $760,000 grant from BIRD Foundation (Israeli-US Bi-national Industrial Research & Development).

Onvector is leveraging its expertise in plasma water treatment to integrate high-efficiency plasma with irrigation water systems in partnership with Netafim. This new plasma technology will reduce plant pathogens, chemical storage and handling costs, and improve the performance and cleanliness of drip irrigation systems.

Globally, annual water withdrawal for irrigation accounts for about 70 percent of total global water use. Drip irrigation accurately directs water to plant roots and requires far less water than other irrigation methods by eliminating runoff and evaporation losses. Growth in drip irrigation practices is driven by its twofold higher water efficiency.

Onvector’s new partnership with Netafim will integrate next-generation, non-chemical disinfection with drip irrigation technology, enabling drip irrigation to continue to widen its scope of use.
1Plasma, a rapidly emerging water treatment platform, is an advanced oxidation and disinfection process (AOP) in the same category of water treatment as ozone and UV but much more powerful and efficient than either.